
Camp is 6

 The pictures and questionnaire were done on Camper's 6th birthday. :) With computer troubles and living life, this is just a few months late...hoping to be a more consistent blogger in 2015. 

Camper's Favorites at 6 years old...

Tv Show- Gravity Falls
Movie- G Force
Food- Spaghetti and meat balls
Drink- Dr. Pepper
Candy- Chocolate
Toy-  Star Wars toys
What makes you happy? – Going fishing
What do you and mommy do together?- Go shopping
What do you and Daddy do together?- go duck hunting
Who is your best friend? Campbell and Harrison
Favorite place to go- Coosh's
Favorite book- Star Wars Rebels book
What do you want to be when you grow up? A Chef
Favorite song- All About the Bass, Shake It Off

Camp requested birthday dinner at Coosh's and then we came home for Star Wars birthday cake!!

1 comment:

Bebe said...

Yay for 6 year olds!!