
39 Weeks and 3 Days

That's how long I was pregnant with Camp. And that is how old he is today.

I had lots of people tell me that I would miss being pregnant and miss having Camp all to myself....feeling his kicks, hiccups, and rolls.
I thought those people were crazy.
Why the heck would I miss having Camp in my belly? I'd be able to hold him and kiss him and love on him. Wasn't that so much better than being pregnant?

Well, pregnancy amnesia has hit me and I do miss being pregnant. Feeling him roll around and kick me was so very special. Something only I could feel. It was such a wonderful feeling.
And that first kick of every morning was always so reassuring that everything was still ok.

My pregnancy with Camp was pretty uneventful...the usual discomfort and the extreme heat of being pregnant in the summer were really my only complaints. But I do have to say that I really like having Camp outside of my belly for everyone to enjoy! :)

Camp had his 9 month check up today with Dr. Elzie.
Here are his stats:
Height- 29 1/2"- 85%
Weight- 19 pounds, 5 ounces - 30% (he's gained 12 pounds exactly since birth!)
Head Circumference- 18.2" - 80%

This was an exciting appointment because he didn't have any vaccinations. I think those shots hurt me more than they hurt him! They did check his iron levels and pricked his toe not once, but twice!! The first time the iron level was low so they checked it again and it was perfect! They said sometimes the alcohol swab can interfere with the readings. But both times, Camp didn't even flinch! He was such a big boy.

Dr. Elzie went over the foods we should avoid and gave us the ok on dairy and meat. Camp's experimenting with lots of new foods. He's discovered Goldfish and loves them. Today he tried Craisins and we just introduced YoBaby yogurt and deli meat chicken the other day. He hasn't turned anything down yet!! Yesterday he had his first taste of cheese pizza and ate almost an entire piece! He's remembering that pizza from my first trimester when I "craved" it alllllll of the time!
Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office is always an experience. I feel like I have to sanitize my entire body after I leave. Today Adam and I saw a 4 year old try to bite her mother and then precede to tell her that she hated her. Oooohh man.....good times!


Dorian said...

Yeah Camper!!! Those Stats were what I was meaning the other night, although I was prob. making no sense! :)

The Stiffies said...

Wow, time really does fly! I can't believe it's been that long already. So are you getting baby fever again?!
And i know what you mean about the waiting room. I feel all germy when i leave.