
Ohh Bethel....

I just checked my email and saw that Beth had tagged me in a photo on Facebook. I was wondering what picture it could have been because I haven't seen her in over 2 months (which is a sin). So when I logged in to Facebook, this picture popped up. I have no idea where she came up with this idea, but she has a whole album of her friends like this. Needless to say, I was sitting at the computer by myself and laughing hysterically. I think that hairdo looks great on me. I was thinking about going short anyway! :)


Mama Byrd said...

Honey, You've never looked better...

Danielle said...

you look like the perfect little housewife from the 50's

Beth Madigan said...

you are WELCOME! don't you remember that night last year when i dressed you up? no? too bad ;)

miss you seeky, i will get to see you (and hopefully Camp if i win the bet) soon! and some cracker barrel, yay!