

Adam got a new lawn mower...his very first lawn mower for our house...to keep at our house! Shocking, I know! He brought it home yesterday and the boys just had to sit on it! Collins loved it too! It's amazing how the love for machines is just ingrained in boys! :) I think Camp and Collins look a lot alike in this picture. 

 I took these pictures of Collins before we left for Blue Ridge, but I wanted to share them. 
Camper left a cupcake on the coffee table and Collins didn't waste any time to take some for himself! :)

He got the cupcake everywhere so I stripped him down...mmm nothing like a half naked chubby baby!

peek a boo!

Collinsy Bear will be ONE on Tuesday and Camp just turned 4 and a half. I want to do an "all about Camp" for his half birthday because he's saying the sweetest and funniest things. Stay tuned for both of their birthday posts. :)


Bebe said...

Love me a half naked chubby baby! And love Camp's little brown back in the background... Looking forward to birthdays, half and otherwise!!

Carrie Anne said...

I could just eat him UP!!! Precious loves.