
a walkin' boy, baby birds, & muffins for mom

Collinsy Bear is walking!!! He started last Tuesday 4/23 and hasn't looked back! 

He thinks he's hot stuff! :)

Sweetest picture ever...Camp is Collins's biggest cheerleader!! :)

On Saturday, the baby wrens that had been living in our grill, left their nest. It was the sweetest thing to witness. Camp and I spent all morning looking out the window to watch these little birds. 

The mama and daddy perched on the fence and called the babies out one by one. I'm so glad we got to see it!! We'd been watching the mama go in and out of the nest for weeks. Camp was crushed knowing that the babies (and mama) wouldn't be coming back to the nest. 

Camp's sweet teachers and class hosted Muffins for Moms this morning.

Camp's class art show was also on display! 

Me and my biggest buddy! Adam picked Collins up from the parking lot so I could enjoy Muffins for Moms alone with Camp. Adam keeps talking about how sweet it was to spend the morning with Collins and I loved that I could spend one on one time with Camp and not worry about Collins trying to get into everything! :) It was a win win for the both of us!!  

Almost too cool to take a picture next to his art work. 

I so enjoyed looking at all of the masterpieces!!! The teachers also displayed the books that they read that went with each art project.

What a sweet morning! 


Carrie Anne said...

Sweet, sweet pictures. Especially love the one of Camper hugging Collins while he giggles at the camera. And fabulous one of you and Camp in his classroom! Can't wait to see big boy walking!!!!! <3

Bebe said...

I'm with Carrie Anne. I love the picture of the two boys hugging and grinning! And so glad to hear the babies made it safely out of the nest. I was worried about them... How thrilling to be able to witness it, too!