We can't take our eyes off this guy!!
He's into everything.
He's definitely very curious.
He's been pulling up for several weeks and has finally realized he can pull up in his crib.
He woke up this morning and sounded different.....I knew he would be standing up when I went in there. Well, he was! His pants were also off, his paci was thrown out on the floor and his mobile was leaning down.
I so wish that I would have taken a picture! I'll be prepared when he gets up from his nap.
Camp is cruising around the coffee table. He can walk all the way around it. He also lets go of the coffee table and will then hold on to the couch or his exersaucer. I bet he'll be walking before his first birthday. :)
Camp is getting to the point where he doesn't like to just sit in our laps anymore. He knows he can get down to explore and that's what he wants to do!
One of Camp's favorite foods these days is CHEESE!
It's always the first thing to be cleared off his plate. I guess he takes after his mama!
He is doing such a great job feeding himself.
Adam and I can't believe how much Camp is growing and changing. This stage is so much fun!
He's going to be 10 months on Sunday. Is it just me or did this birthday come up mighty fast??
Happy Thursday!
It seems he has grown so much and so FAST!! this past month,and no it's not just you the months are all flying by!! Love that sweet little buddy!! Go Camper Go!!!!
i love that plate! must know where you got it!
It's from Target! $2.99
That is a FUN FUN time!! Awesome!
Love the high chair that matches the stroller!!
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