
Happy Baby & Sweet Puppies

Mmmm! Could he get any sweeter?

These poor puppies have been neglected on the blog lately so I thought I would post this picture. Ellie ate her17th dog bed while they were at the kennel two weeks ago so the dogs have to get creative to find places to sleep. Annabelle has been trying to sleep on the couch in our living room and it is driving me crazy! We have to put Adam's guitar on the couch to deter her. She's scared to death of that guitar so it's a great deterrent! Last night Annabelle got up on a suitcase that is in our room and slept on that!!! I need to get a picture if she does it again...she's the silliest dog. Adam took Ellie duck hunting yesterday and she did great!! He was grinning ear to ear when he got home. He was so proud of her! I'm glad that all of the time Adam has spent retrieving with her has paid off!

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