Camp was on spring break last week and part of this week. I decided that staying in town was probably the best idea with baby brother's due date quickly approaching! I was so worried that we'd be bored to tears, but the 11 days flew by pretty fast! I was sure missing my little buddy today while he was at school!! :) We had a low key, but fun week!
Camp got to spend the night at Yaya & Bop Bop's one night...he was so proud of his backpack!
Lunch at Chick-fil-A and a little playground time!
We baked few goodies I found on Pinterest...
these were sooo yummy! They are just a typical chocolate chip cookie dough (without the chocolate chips) baked in mini muffin tins. I dyed vanilla frosting green and then added Cadbury eggs!
Carrot cupcakes...these were too easy and tasted scrumptious!
We had several play dates including a day at the pool...Camp had a blast!
Hanging out with "kids" is Camp's favorite thing to do!! :)
Daddy shot a turkey early in the season this year...thank goodness because his turkey season may be cut short once Collins arrives! :) This was Camp's face when he realized Adam had the turkey.
Two happy Gunter boys...
On a lunch date...
It was a nice week, but I'm sure glad to be back into our routine. I know Camp is glad to be back at school...he sure missed his friends!